Sunday, August 28, 2016

Confessions of a Grown-up 90s Kid

I'm a product of the 90s. This means I dreamed of being the Pink Ranger, ate Lunchables, and eagerly awaited (and was bored by) The Phantom Menace. Now that I'm an adult (allegedly), I've decided that I want to reflect on all those things I loved as a kid, particularly movies.

I love movies. I love going to the movies, watching movies, listening to podcasts about movies (hello there, How Did This Get Made), and now, getting Starbucks at the movies. Are the movies I enjoyed as a kid still "good"? Are they really steaming piles of cat poo? Just how uncomfortable are these movies to watch as a grown-up 90s kid? We'll find out the answers to these questions and much more.

I think the first movie has to be one that was released on my ninth birthday---Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. I lived for the Power Rangers. When I learned about the movie, I wanted to see it the day it came out. And because of a little thing called a "birthday party", I didn't actually see it on my birthday. Thanks mom and dad. You guys are the worst...erm, best.

Check this space next week for my foray into Power Rangers: The Movie. Be there or be square. Please don't be in your underwear because that's weird.