Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Jedi Knight? Jeez, I'm out of it for a little while, everyone gets delusions of grandeur!

Star Wars: Episode 6—Return of the Jedi

Return of the Jedi appears to be the one movie of the original trilogy that people seem to be most tornsome love it and some hate it. Like with Empire, without the direction of Richard Marquand and co-writer Lawrence Kasdan, it would've been a very different movie. With age, this, like Empire, holds up incredibly well.

Except for the new Ewok song and the inclusion of the CGI cities and worlds celebrating the end of the Empire. No. No. No. No.

I do have a bone to pick with people thoughwhy don't people love Ewoks more? "Ugh they're too cute and cuddly! Why are they even in a Star Wars movie?" Because they are badasses. These tiny little dudes and ladies have no modern weapons, but they take out Stroomtroopers and Walkers like no big deal.

And I didn't mention Leia's metal bikini once! Oops…I just did.

Plot in a Nutshell: Han gets unfrozen. Yoda dies because he's really really really old. Lando destroys the second Death Star. Leia and Luke are actually twins. Ewoks kill Stormtroopers with rocks and sticks. Vader is redeemed. Presumably, Han and Leia make Kylo Ren after the celebration on Endor.

WTF: How could Leia remember her mother? Padme died giving birth, so unless part of Leia's Force sensitivity is remembering her birth…there's no way she could have.

Fun Facts are Fun: Return of the Jedi was Warwick Davis' debut. The man who plays Vader's body, David Prowse, didn't know that they were going to a reveal of Vader's face. For that scene, it was actor Sebastian Shaw playing Vader. Other actors to be considered for the role of Emperor Palpatine included David Suchet and Ben Kingsley.

The Verdict: Of course watch it.

I'm having a conundrum dear readersnow that I've finished the original trilogy should I do the rest of the prequels? 

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