Sunday, March 5, 2017

That's it? Well, I suppose I could always feed my mother cat food.

Good Burger

Ah Good Burger. Everyone's favorite All That sketch made into a major motion picture. It's enjoyable after…wait, this movie is 20 years old?!?!?!? NO WAY. NO. I feel old. *epic sad face*

I totally forgot that Carmen Electra is in this. And Linda Cardellini. And Issac Hayes?! AND SHAQ?! Sinbad! There's even a very 90s dance number. And as always, Kenan and Kel kill it. Why isn't Kel on SNL with Kenan?

Plot in a Nutshell: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. After Dexter Reed crashes his mom's car into his least favorite teacher's car, he must get a summer job to pay him back. He didn't get hired at Mondo Burger, but Ed got him a job at Good Burger. Hilarity ensues…as well as subplots involving corporate conglomerates destroying small business and Ed's secret sauce. In the end, Good Burger is saved, Dexter is able to pay back his teacher, and Ed is Ed.

WTF: Not sure how Kurt got Ed and Dexter admitted to Demented Hills. What IS in Ed's secret sauce?

Fun Facts are Fun: J. August Richards, who plays Griffen, is more famously known for playing Gunn on Angel. Several All That regulars are in Good Burger including Lori Beth Denberg and Josh Server. Good Burger still hasn't been released on Blu-ray.

The Verdict: Still good after all these years.

Next week, dear readers, I'll be watching Beauty and the Beast in preparation for the release of the new Beauty and the Beast. You know, the one with Hermione Granger, Matthew Crawley, Magneto, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Bard the Bowman.

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