Sunday, September 18, 2016

George C. Scott Sings Creepy Songs

The Rescuers Down Under

The Rescuers Down Under is the sequel to the 1977 Disney classic The Rescuers. I remember enjoying this movie quite a bit as a kid, often pretending that Cody and I would go off on adventures in the Outback (no, not to the steakhouse but the actual for real Outback). At around 77 minutes, it's a breezy little sequel with heart and laughs.

Unlike the previous two movies, which continue to make to me question my taste as a child, this one actually holds up for the most part. John Candy (RIP) was delightful as Wilbur, as were the dual performances of Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor. The only thing was a little cheesy was George C. Scott (yes, that George C. Scott aka General Patton) as McLeach. Just a little OTT, dude. Just a tiny bit. His creepy takes on old-timey songs were a little too disturbing for a children's movie.

On a purely materialistic note, I really want a hammock. I just don't want to sleep in it like Cody does.

Plot in a Nutshell: Cody, a boy with an indescribable accent living in the Australian Outback with his widowed mother, is summoned by a kangaroo playing a fallen tree as a digeridoo to help a trapped golden eagle named Marahute. After the two bond over her eggs, Cody is captured by a super evil poacher and his pet goanna Joanna. Bernard and Bianca travel to Australia to save him, with Wilbur in the albatross in tow. Super horny kangaroo mouse Jake acts as Bernard and Bianca's guide. Bernard ends up killing McLeach, and everyone lives happily ever after.

WTF: What the hell is Cody's accent? It starts out as really Australian and then goes to a semi-American accent. Surely the Rangers would've been keeping an eye on McLeach, a known poacher who loves to boast about how awesome a poacher he is, and therefore would have located Cody more quickly? Why the fuck is Cody wandering around the goddamn Outback by himself? Australia has more shit that will kill you, bro. Just stay close to home next time.

Fun Facts are Fun: Adam Ryen, who voiced Cody, is Norwegian. Ah, that explains the accent.

The Verdict: Finally a good one.

Next week, I'll be reviewing Man of the House, starring 90s heartthrob Jonathan Taylor-Thomas and Chevy Chase. Get ready for lots of uncomfortable cultural appropriation, folks. Yeesh.

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