Sunday, January 15, 2017

Apology accepted, Captain Needa.

Star Wars: Episode 5—The Empire Strikes Back

You know, Empire has never been my favorite Star Wars movie. However, I think that might have changed after this most recent viewing. God, it just keeps getting better with time.

And it makes me miss Carrie Fisher even more.

This movie is also definitive proof that George Lucas needed others with differing viewpoints around him during the prequels. I'm not sure how Empire would have turned out without Irvin Kershner, Leigh Brackett, and Lawrence Kasdan.

Plot in a Nutshell: The Empire…strikes back. Luke discovers who his father is. Han gets turned into a popsicle. Leia gets hit on by everyone and remains a badass. The hyperdrive on the Falcon is still a piece of shit.

WTF: That kiss between Luke and Leia is awkward as fuck in hindsight.

Fun Facts are Fun: According to IMDB, "Mark Hamill had to bang his head 16 times on the ceiling of Yoda's hut before Irvin Kershner was satisfied." Ouch. Empire was selected by the US National Film Registry to be preserved in 2010. George Lucas lobbied to get Frank Oz an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actor.


Next week it's movie request week!

Dear readers, I'm asking for requests! Please leave a comment here, on my twitter @vikkiabby, or on my FB. 

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